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Top 5 googled questions about mimes: WHEN (was mime invented?)

Writer's picture: Tom KasprzykTom Kasprzyk

Updated: Oct 24, 2023

When it comes to mime and when, it brings us the obvious and also the hard to answer questions about mime art and pantomime. Because as a forever underground and forever dying art form it is not very well documented and I am also not a historian.

Anyway I will do my best to give you an idea, a timeframe and some basis for further research on the topics which are so frequently asked on google and google doesn't often know. So let us begin with the top 5 googled questions starting "when mime...":

1. When was mime first invented?

2. When did mime start / begin / originate?

3. When was mime created?

Ancient stone carving
Ancient stone carving

Mime is a centuries-old art form, and it is difficult to pinpoint exactly when it was first invented or when did it all start.

As I mentioned in the other mimeblog, mime is the oldest form of communication and art form in the world and we can imagine very well the prehistoric people communicating only by gestures, facial expressions and by showing the movement of the stuff they want to say to each other because language doesn't exist yet.

Shaman miming a story
Shaman miming a story

Later we can see shamans all over the world using mime and pantomime to show a story to their fellow tribesmen. And not only that. Shamans are the oldest mimes also because they can be "possessed" by spirits or demons and by "being" someone else they are actually the perfect example of mime actor performing a pantomime.

However, the earliest recorded examples of mime can be found in ancient Greece and Rome. In Greece, mimes were often used to satirize political figures and social customs. In Rome, mimes were more often used for entertainment, and they often featured acrobatics and slapstick humor but they also sang and played musical instruments on top of performing pantomimes. They were also used as translators when Rome wanted to negotiate with barbarians or tribes that didn't understand latin and the other way around.

Mime Jean-Gaspard Deburau as a Pierot
Mime Jean-Gaspard Deburau as Pierot

Mime experienced a revival in the 19th century, thanks to the work of French mime Jean-Gaspard Deburau who again "invented" a new form of mime. Deburau was known for his expressive performances and his ability to create complex characters without using words.

Another important figure in the history of "inventing" mime is Marcel Marceau who is considered the father of modern mime, and his work was known for its style, grace, elegance, and humor. He is also probably the most famous solo mime.

So, while it is difficult to say for sure when mime was first invented, it is clear that it has a long and rich history. It is a versatile art form that can be used to tell stories, create characters, and entertain audiences of all ages.

4. When did mime become popular?

5. When was mime most popular?

Milan Sladek with his ancient mime inspired performance Antigone
Milan Sladek with his ancient mime inspired performance Antigone

So as we have learned in the first part, the first peek of "worldwide" mime craze was in the ancient Roman Empire.

It was as wavy as you can imagine or even more because mimes of ancient Rome were in a very tricky position and had a love/hate relationship throughout the history of Roman Empire.

Mimes were very skillful in physical comedy but could also often sing and play musical instruments. But what is the most cherished possession of a mime is his bright mind that develops actual and often provocative stance to the contemporary problems and issues and absurdities of life or even politics.

This is why some Roman emperors like Caligula and Nero loved them, had them in court and mimes were "the hollywood stars" of Rome and lived lavish and priviledged lives. But some other emperors like Augustus and Domitius hated them and thought of them as too provocative and anti empire that pantomime was banned and all mimes prisoned or exiled from the empire forever. Or until another emperor took throne and pardoned them because it was one of the pantomime fan emperors. Tough times in autocracies.

Next popular time for mimes was in 19th century when Jean-Gaspard Deburau revived it. and the last one was in 20th century when Marcel Marceau developed imaginary modern mime and toured the world with pantomime as well as Milan Sladek from the period but mime continued to be popular until 21st century being a lot in tv shows and all around.

BONUS: 6. When was mime first performed? (Try an easy mime exercise with me)

I remember it as if it was yesterday

Yes, this is a real and commonly googled question. So let us do a little mime exercise here. (not suitable for people with aphantasia)

Imagine you are super hairy, you barely walk and you mostly still use your arms together with your legs to move around.

You don't know how to speak, how to put the right sounds together to form anything that would resemble a word of any meaning.

You came home, to your cave from a hunt and you feel amazing today. You could smell the fire from far away and it was getting cold so you were really looking forward to get there. But it was also a super interesting day as you were hunting in a new place, you have explored only today by an accident.

A waterfall and a meadow for mime exercise
You found this magical waterfall and a meadow

It was a magical clearing with a waterfall and butterflies flying around the meadow. You got there because you were tracking a deer, nothing unusual. But when you finally cought up with the deer in this meadow a bear came out of nowhere and you had to improvise and try to scare him off so he wouldn't hunt you instead. But then a group of wolves joined the party and encircled you and the bear as if they were an audience ina a boxing ring and you started to become desperate with your chances to survive dropping to near zero.

But suddenly, just as you saw few of the wolves getting ready to attack you and the bear also getting closer, a bright roaring light traversed right above your heads and as if it was all a dream, all of the vicious and hungry animals were gone. Everyone fled the scene in fear and only you remained, amazed by the occurence in the sky. Not that you were not terrified by it, but also, you were very curious about this phenomenon and your curiosity kept you in place.

a meteor in a mime exercise
A curse or a blessing, it is an amazing sight

And as if it was a blessing by the meteor, on the way back you found freshly killed deer by the wolf pack, that you were hunting all along. So you picked it up and brought it home. And here you are. Excitingly jumping all around the fire, trying your best to mime this amazing day to your fellow family and tribe who are watching you with eyes wide open, using their own imagination to see in their own minds that, what happened to you.

You can close your eyes if the whole story didn't already happen in your head while reading it. And try to imagine how would it look, how would you describe such a day to your beloved hairy and stinky family and friends.

And this is mime. This is the power of pantomime. This is in my mind the first mime performance that occured around the world by our prehistoric hairy and stinky protomimes.

mime Tomas Kasprzyk as God
Tomas Kasprzyk in Eternal Fight

I hope all your "WHEN" questions were answered here and you enjoyed the little bonus exercise in the end of this mimeblog number 4.

If you have still more questions don't hesitate to drop by my website or contact me @contemporarymime on any social media and ask me more or get an online class of mime with a glass of wine.

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